Monday, August 30, 2010

The Successful Departure.

I wrote this on the plane from Newark to Copenhagen. August 29th, 2010.

Well I for sure know how to procrastinate. After a scrumptious last American dinner at the Stalle’s last night, my loving sister, Charlie, Willy and Noonan convinced me at around 10:30 to not go home and pack and instead hit up Marquette’s campus for the night. Even though I did not have a thing packed in my suitcases, they assured me I would be completely prepared for my quest the following day. A few drinks later, 3 o’clock came around and reality set in: I leave for the airport in 5 hours, I should probably get my head in the game and go home and pack. Sleepy and a bit out of the loop, Megs, Charlie and I went home and continued to Air-Vac the rest of my clothing and haphazardly pack away my belongings. With much reorganizing, lots of help from my mom, and a little diva attitude from myself, I fortunately was able to pack everything into two suitcases that luckily weighed 50.0 pounds on the dot.

At 8:30 I said my last goodbyes to my siblings and headed with Mom and Dad to O'hare. I checked both bags and stood in the security line with my parents both teary eyed and snapping a million embarrassing photographs (that were immediately uploaded to facebook, thanks mom). I turned around and waved my last goodbye to the 2 amazing people that are allowing this trip happen for me. Thanks again so much mom and dad!!

I now sit on the plane to Copenhagen (watching Dear John, of course...they have the most random movies on this plane...who would ever show "Snakes on a Plane" on the plane???). I am a little nervous, but entirely excited for the adventure that awaits me.

Next Step: Arrive in Bologna, and take a cab to Via Bertiera 13, Hotel Holiday. Where I will be housed for the next 10 days while I try to find an apartment.

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mal!

    Great stuff you've got going here so far. Can't wait to keep up with all your adventures--what an amazing experience you're going to have.

    Keep in touch and have a blast!

    GK Love,
